Alpha Xi Delta’s Philanthropic Focus
The Kindly Hearts Initiative
The Kindly Hearts Initiative serves as the umbrella to our national philanthropic focus of supporting children and teens experiencing foster care or homelessness. Alpha Xi Deltas across the country support two Key Impact Organizations, FosterClub and StandUp for Kids, making a national and regional difference under the umbrella of our focus.
Letters of Love
All Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations participate in Letters of Love, Alpha Xi Delta’s national letter writing fundraising campaign. Held annually during the month of November this campaign benefits Alpha Xi Delta’s two Key Impact Organizations, StandUp for Kids and FosterClub.
Our Chapter's Impact:
The Theta Rho Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta is excited to bring The Kindly Hearts Initiative to the CSU San Marcos campus community. The Kindly Hearts Initiative serves as the umbrella to our philanthropic focus on supporting children experiencing foster care or homelessness. Our chapter specifically is working with StandUp for Kids which is striving to end the cycle of youth homelessness.
Our sisters look forward to supporting StandUp for Kids with their mission to end youth homelessness through our fundraising events and Amaxing Challenges.
What is an AmaXing Challenge? An AmaXIng Challenge is the official philanthropy event hosted by Alpha Xi Delta to engage the campus and community in raising funds for Alpha Xi Delta’s National Philanthropy, The Kindly Hearts Initiative. Alpha Xi Delta aims to positively impact the campus and community.
The sisters of Alpha Xi Delta - Theta Rho raised a total of $7,200 at our annual AmaXing Challenge, Color Run, this past October.
The Theta Rho chapter also participates with many other local and national organizations to help our community. The Sisters of Alpha Xi Delta- Theta Rho strive to give back by participating on average over 500 community service hours every semester!
Additional Philanthropic Events
Additional events we coordinate throughout the semester may involve group and individual service project opportunities, donation drives, profit share nights at local restaurants, food fundraising events and more! Follow us on social media to see event announcements and information.