Chapter Officers
Natalie Lemans

Finance and Operations Vice President
Hello, my name is Natalie Lemans and I am Theta Rho's Finance and Operations Vice President. I am a second year, Liberal Studies and Elementary Education major and I plan on graduating in the Spring of 2025. After graduation I plan on getting my teaching credential and then becoming a first grade teacher!
Jenna Torres

Chapter Life VP
Hello, my name is Jenna Torres and I am Theta Rho's Chapter Life Vice President. I am a third year, Communications major with a minor in Marketing and I plan on graduating in the Spring of 2025. After graduating I plan on staying in San Marcos and getting an internship with a Marketing company.
Dolly Bradford

Chapter President
Hello, my name is Dolly Bradford and I am Theta Rho's Chapter President. I am a third-year, Criminal Justice major and I plan on graduating in the Spring of 2025. After graduation, I plan on becoming a criminal investigator.
Brooke Ujkic

Membership Vice President
Hello, my name is Brooke Ujkic and I am Theta Rhos Membership Vice President. I am a third-year Kinesiology major and plan to graduate in Spring 2025. After graduation, I plan on going to Physician Assistant school.
Caitlyn Lastrina
Member Development Vice President
Hello, my name is Caitlyn Lastrina and I am Theta Rho's Member Development Vice President. I am a second-year, Business major and I plan on graduating in the Spring of 2025. After graduation, I plan on traveling around Europe and getting my master's.
Reese Verrette
Panhellenic Delegate
Hello, my name is Reese Verrette and I am Theta Rho's Panhellenic Delegate. I am a second-year, Communications major and I plan on graduating in the Spring of 2026. After graduation, I plan on traveling and finding a job in public relations.
Alyssa Helmantoler

Philanthropy Vice President
Hello, my name is Alyssa Helmantoler and I am Theta Rho's Philanthropy Vice President. I am a second-year, Liberal Studies major and I plan on graduating in the Spring of 2026. After graduation, my dream is to become an elementary school teacher.
Macie Gonzalez

Communications Vice President
Hello, my name is Macie Gonzalez and I am Theta Rho's Communications Vice President. I am a second-year, Business Marketing major with a minor in Political science and I plan on graduating in the spring of 2026. After graduation, I plan to travel to Europe and get my Master's Degree.