Chapter History
Meet the Ladies of Theta Rho!
Alpha Xi Delta at California State University, San Marcos was founded February 25, 1995, and has continued to grow and strengthen.
In the Fall of 2021, our chapter had was able to being meeting in person once again. Our chapter was also able to host our annual color run for our new philanthropy the Kindly Hearts Campaign. We are now getting ready for this years Lip Sync Battle, A Night at Xi Movies. If you would like to learn more, go to our upcoming events tab!
As of January 2022, our Fraternity gained new sisters in the Spring 2022 recruitment and is proud to announce that we currently have over 107 active members.
Our Vision
Inspiring women to Realize Their Potential.
Our Mission
The mission of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity is to enrich the life of every Alpha Xi Delta. We will nurture unity and cooperation, foster intellectual, professional, and personal growth, exemplify the highest ethical conduct, instill community responsibility, all while perpetuating fraternal growth.
About Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta was founded in 1893 by ten young women at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois, who shared a vision and a dream of a national organization dedicated to the personal growth of women.
One of the oldest women's fraternities, Alpha Xi Delta is proud of its rich history. As one of the ten founding fraternities of the National Panhellenic Conference, it was Alpha Xi Delta's first NPC Chairman who wrote the Panhellenic Creed, which is still recited on college campuses today.
Since that time over 100 years ago, the spirit of Alpha Xi Delta has enriched the lives of thousands of women throughout the world with its emphasis on lifelong learning and lasting friendship. Now a national fraternity with more than 120,000 initiated members, Alpha Xi Delta has grown into a progressive and forward-thinking organization with college chapters and alumnae associations throughout the United States.
The ideals envisioned by our Founders are timeless and have remained constant throughout the years, inspiring pride in each member to pursue individual excellence.
Our Founders left us a great legacy--they taught us the value of education because it would free us to achieve our goals and give us the power to be whatever we choose to be. They taught us to support one another through shared experiences and understanding. They taught us to serve others--to reach out to those less fortunate to make their lives better.
It is these ideals of personal development, scholarship, friendship, and civic responsibility that we embrace and bring to every Alpha Xi Delta member.